Friday, September 25, 2009

I like and I dont like in Japanese

Ogenki desuka?  おげんき です か?

Kyou wa "like and don't/doesn't like" nituite desu. きょうは "like and don't/doesn't like" について です。
(Today I talk about "like and don't/doesn't like")

kore wa suki desu ka ? これはすきですか? (Do you like this?)
Hai (watashi wa ) sukidesu.はい すきです。 (Yes I like this. )
Iie (watashi wa ) amari suki dewa arimasen/ amari suki jyanai kana~./a(n)mari... いいえ、あまりすきではありません。/あまりすきじゃないかなぁ〜。あ(ん)まり...。
(No I dont like this so much.)

I think Japanese people avoid saying "I dont like".It feels very direct.
So they say "I dont like so much." :) "A(n)mari..."means they dont want to say "dont like" even if they dont like. A(n)mari...,this "...." including I dont like. :)

They like vague/noncommittal words.

So Ive been in SF and when American people asked me "Do you like this?", I answered "I dont know...maybe I dont like it so much." And people think "??".
This means I wanted to tell them that its a little bit difficult for me to choose "like" or "dont like". :)

Anyway I think Japanese people like "vague/noncommittal" word and phrases.

I think people think about other people's feelings a lot. So if you say I dont like,maybe sometimes the other person feels bad- Japanese people think like that.
So many people avoid negation/denial phrases.

Im getting used to saying my feelings directly in US. But I still think about other peoples feelings first and next are my feelings. And Im still using a lot of vague/noncommittal phrases. :) Because Im Japanese. :)

See you for the next article or podcast!!

Have a wonderful day.
Love you.


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A reviwe of Taro's story 6 to7.

Konnichiwa. Ogenkidesuka?
Watashi wa totemo genki desu.

Kyou no Lesson wa Taro no story 6 to 7 no fukushu desu. :)

Wakarimashita ka? (Do you understand?)

Naze? なぜ? Why?
Dare? どれ? Which?
Doko? どこ? Where?
Nani? なに? What?

Watashi わたし I
Anata あなた You
Kanojyo かのじょ She
Kare   かれ He

Q: SUkidesu ka ?
A: Hai Sukidesu.
Iie Kiraidesu. Suki dewa(ha) arimase.Sukijya arimasen.Suki jya nai desu.
(all same)

I hope you are enjoy my Podcast. :)

Have a wonderful day.


Saturday, September 19, 2009

A review of Taro's Story1 to 5

Konnichiwa Ogenkidesuka? こんにちは、おげんきですか?

Today I reviewed Taro's story 1 to 5.
Please listen many times and answer the questions out loud.
Lets enjoy learning Japanese with me. :)
If you have any questions, please leave a comment and I will answer it soon. :)
And Thank you downloading my podcast.I got 2000 downloads!! Its amazing for me. ;)
Thank you all. I do my best. Ganbarimasu. :)
I always welcome you will be my friends on Face book.
Have a wonderful life.

New words

Fukushuu ふくしゅう= review

Key points.

Agamasen ( dont/doesnt give)
Agemasu あげます ⇔  Agemasen あげません

Q: AJ wa chocore-to wo Ayumi-chan ni Agemashita ka?  AJ は チョコレート を あゆみちゃん に あげました か?(Did Aj give chocolate to Ayumi?)
A: No, Agemasen. (No,he didnt)

☆ iimashita ka?
Person ga(wa).... to iimashita ka? ( Did person say that "..." ? )

Q: Taro wa "watashi wa Ayumi-chan ga sukidesu" to iimashita ka? たろう は 「わたしは あゆみちゃん が すきです。」と いいました か?
A: Hai ,Taro wa "watashi wa Ayumi-chan ga sukidesu" to iimashita.
はい、たろう は 「わたしは あゆみちゃん が すきです。」と いいました。

☆ Question :Naze (Why) Answer : ...dakara desu.

Q: Taro wa naze Ayumi-chan ni bara no hana wo agemashita ka ?
たろう は なぜ あゆみちゃん に バラ の はなを あげました か?
(Why did Taro give roses to Ayumi-chan? )
A: Tarou wa Ayumi-chan ga suki dakara desu. 
たろう は あゆみちゃん が すき だから です。(Because Taro likes Ayumichan)

Q: Naze Taro wa itumo Ayumi-chan wo miteimasu ka? なぜ たろう は いつも あゆみちゃん を みています か?(Why is Taro watching Ayumi all the time?)
A: Taro wa Ayumi-chan ga suki dakara desu. 
たろう は あゆみちゃん が すき だからです。

Q: Ayumi-chan wa doko de Oyoide imasu ka? あゆみちゃん は どこ で およいで います。(Where is Ayumi swimming? )
A: Umi de Oyoide imasu. うみ で およいで います。
((she) is swimming in the sea.)

Q: Taro wa doko ni ikimashita ka ? たろう は どこに いきました か?
A: Taro wa Umi ni ikimashita.  たろう は うみ に いきました
A: Taro wa Umi he ikimashita.

Nani wo shiteimasu ka ? (What are you doing? )

Q: Ayumi-chan wa Nani wo shiteimasu ka? あゆちゃんはなにをしていますか?
(What is Ayumi doing?)
A: Ayumi-chan wa itumo oyoide imasu.あゆみちゃんはいつもおよいでいます。

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Im doing Tony Robbins semina. :)

Hi all.

Im doing Tony Robbins seminar named Wealth Mastery & Life Mastery near by LA. :)
Its amazing!! I did apply Leadership Mastery today. Because of Mastery University will be finish tomorrow. ;) Ive having great beautiful experience of his seminar.
Id like to keep momentum.

I walked on wire. The orange shirt is ME!!!!

Chiisai Oranji shirt ga watashi desu. (The Small orange shirt is me!)
ちいさい オレンジ シャツ が わたし です。  

Im going to next other Seminar in SF.
Next is Business seminar! So I have been at seminar for 2weeks.
I will make lesson when I will go time. :)

Mata ne! またね!
Itumo Arigatou! いつも ありがとう。